Sunday 2 February 2014

My New Website

Hi Guys.

In case you haven't noticed, my new website is finished!
Due to technical difficulties I haven't been able to post this until now, but here it is!

I hope you like and enjoy it's features!


Sunday 15 December 2013

I'm Back!!!

Hi Everybody.
I'm back with more news!  My new webmaster is creating me a new website that will have a lot more features than my current one.  The new one will be done quite soon.  I will post when it is done.  It's link will be  
Also quite a couple of new intros and tutorials have come out since I posted.  Here they are:

Sunday 7 April 2013

I'm back!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

It has been a long time since I have been on this blog.  In that time that I wasn't here, I have been working on my new website and giving it a new look.  Here is a screenshot.
I have also created several new intros and Tutorials.  Here they are!!!!



Also, I am going to inform you that I am going to close down this blog and host one on my website (  All previous posts will be on my website as well.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Hi everyone.

I have just made a new intro.  It is called Lionsgate Intro Done In Ivipid

Hope You Enjoy It.

New Intro!

Hi everyone.

I have just made a new intro.  It is called Columbia Intro Done In Ivipid.

Hope you like It!

Friday 14 September 2012

New Intro

Hi everyone.
I have one new intro.  It is called YouTube ID Done In Ivipid.

Saturday 25 August 2012

My New Website and Intro

I haven't been on my Blog for a little while because I have been working on my website!

The Official Website of Jamesstudios8

It is now completed and ready for you to view.  Click here to view it.  Also I have done a new intro and it is Lucas Films Done In Ivipid.  You can view it below.